Category Archives: Reform Synagogue

Breastfeeding at: Temple Isaiah, Lexington, MA, USA

Temple Isaiah in Lexington, Massachussetts, USA

Breastfeeding in the Sanctuary:

It is permitted.  “I know it’s permitted because I have nursed my son on numerous occasions, and nobody has ever said I can’t. I nurse without a cover… it seemed like a total non-event.”  

Private Nursing Locations:

There is no designated nursing room/space, but you can use a classroom or office. They are, of course, “not labelled, but you can ask one of the rabbis.  These rooms are on the main floor.

Other Information:

The website offers no policy about breastfeeding.

The community is supportive and positive about breastfeeding- it is basically a non-event, no one even bats an eye.

General Child Friendliness:

There are changing tables available in the women’s bathroom, the men’s bathrooms, the family/children’s bathroom, and the gender neutral bathroom.   There is space for strollers.

I have no information about space/places for children’s supplies, attitudes toward babies or children in the main service, or attitudes toward bottle-feeding.  If you do, please tell us- either in a comment or (even better), by filling out a questionnaire:–AHLM/viewform


This synagogue received a rating of

  • Great, could barely be better- 1

out of 7, where 1 is the best rating and 7 is the worst.

Contact Information:

Rabbi Howard Jaffe at

Rabbi Jill Perlman at

Cantor Lisa Doob at

Synagogue Website:

Breastfeeding at: Temple Beth Sholom, Flushing (Queens), NY

Temple Beth Sholom, in Flushing (Queens), New York, USA

Breastfeeding in the Sanctuary:

It may or may not be permitted, but “I’ve never seen it, but I suspect it would be frowned upon by others”.   The rabbi and cantor, however, would be supportive, if one wanted to try it.

Private Nursing Locations:

Private nursing may be done in the Women’s Bathroom Lounge.

“There are also chairs and/or benches that one can use in the lobby and the school wing (somewhat hidden)”

Other Information:

The website offers no policy about breastfeeding.

“Most of the members are older, and their attitudes [toward breastfeeding] vary. I don’t think anyone would ever say anything to a mother who did, though.”

General Child Friendliness:

There are changing tables available in the women’s bathroom.  People leave strollers outside the sanctuary or “along the side”.  There is not space for children’s supplies..

The attitude toward children in the main service is relaxed.  “Children are regularly running around (and sometimes chased) during services. They talk, scream, and sing. No problem. They have toys etc.”  “it is very common to have babies cry and toddlers shout and little children walk and run around.”  ” Children need to feel comfortable and that they belong!”

As far as bottle-feeding and even snacks: “Our little kids regularly eat or snack during services. Whatever the child needs.”


This synagogue received a rating of

  • Alright, it works pretty well- 3

out of 7, where 1 is the best rating and 7 is the worst.

Contact Information:

Rabbi Sharon Ballan at

Cantor Kathy Barr at

Synagogue Website:

Breastfeeding at Temple of Israel, Greenville, SC

Temple of Israel in Greenville, South Carolina, USA

Breastfeeding in the Sanctuary:

It is permitted, and gets only “positive comments. If people didn’t approve, they kept it to themselves.”  Although breastfeeding is not very common, other mothers here are complimentary of those who do choose to breastfeed.

Private Nursing Locations:

There is no designated private nursing location.

Other Information:

There is no information about breastfeeding policy made public.


Genera Child Friendliness:

Changing tables are available in both the women’s and the men’s bathrooms.  There is space for strollers and for children’s needed supplies, although there is no particular place where people park their strollers.

People enjoy having kids in the main service.


This synagogue received a rating of

    • Great, could barely be better- 1

out of 7, where 1 is the best rating, and 7 is the worst.

Contact Information:

Rabbi Jeremy Master at 864.292.1782 Ext. 106

Or general contact via the website:

Synagogue website: